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Sarm Powder--S4 Andarine GTX-007 sarms raw

Keywords:Andarine,Andarine s4,Andarine s4 sarms Product name:Andarine (GTX-007) S4 Andarine CAS:401900-40-1 S4 Andarine Apperence:White powder S4 Andarine Assay:99% S4 Andarine Formula C19H18F3N3O6 S4 Andarine Molecular mass 441.357 g/mol S4 Andarine Storage: at 20ºC 2 years

What is S4? S4 is a form of SARM that attaches to the androgen receptor (AR) the same with regular androgens, the only variation is that S4 generates selective anabolic activity. S4 is a SARM with utmost androgenic effects as it has 1/3 of the strength of testosterone when attaching to AR. Compared to anabolic steroids and prohormones, Andarine does not have androgenic activity in non-skeletal muscle tissues S4 is a very effective SARM with a half-life of 4 hours. It can decrease the size of the prostate if taken as recommended. It is administered orally.

Right Dosing of S4 Andarine; Recommended dose for cutting is 50 mg for 6-8 weeks. You should use it every day then take 2 days off for the duration. Taking S4 daily for the length of the cycle can lead to changes in vision. S-4 (3 mg/kg/day) was also able to restore skeletal muscle (i.e., soleus muscle) and strength in castrated rats, important and applicable for the treatment of muscle wasting and male HRT.

A 120-day study comparing SARM S-4 and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) treatment in ovariectomized rats demonstrated that S-4 was able to maintain bone mass and bone strength to the levels of intact controls and exhibited greater efficacy than DHT.

Uses of Andarine 1.For Cutting (best use of S4) Andarine’s properties are very alike with steroids Anavar and Winstrol, the only difference is that S4 can better provide lean muscle gains. S4 displays the same binding resemblance to AR, hence presenting similar fat burning effects. S4 can also minimize LPL (lipoprotein lipase) - an enzyme that causes lipid accumulation. Furthermore, Andarine also decreases fat while maintaining and even boosting muscle mass in a hypocaloric environment. It also improves vascularity for that “aesthetic” chiseled look with minimal to no water retention. Unlike steroids, it won’t affect your joints but reinforce muscle mass and power instead. You can also say goodbye to painful pumps. Recommended Dosage: 50 mg for 6-8 weeks. *Take 2 days off when taking S4 (repeat the cycle after the 2 day break) to avoid vision side effects.

2.For Recomping Use S4 with a more anabolic SARM such as Ostarine for better recomp results as you’re aiming to gain muscle while losing fat. Recommended dosage is 50-75 mg for 4 to 8 weeks.

3. For Lean Muscle and Strength Gains (sans bloating) The strength gains that Andarine produces are quick, lasting, maintained and very clean. S4 makes you feel good all over. Suggested dosage is 50mg.

S4 comparisons As a comparison, I would compare s4 to winstrol but without the binding to the scalp, or any real changes to our cholesterol. Interestingly, I asked for one client to use s-4 to help with gynecomastia, as its androgenic. Since it binds to the androgen receptors, it seemed feasible, and DHT being a potent anti-estrogen, it seemed a logical conclusion to draw. However, no changes were seen in this trial during the 30 days of daily dosing, but that trial will continue.

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