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Testosterone Steroid Powder: Sustanon 250 Testosterone blend

Testosterone Sustanon 250 Quick Details : Sustanon 250 is an oil-based steroid designed to increase strength and body weight. Sustanon 250 is a mix of four different testosterone esters that are injected in the muscles and slowly released in the body over time. The testosterone blend includes 30 mg of testosterone propionate, 60 mg of testosterone phenylprpionate, 60 mg of testosterone isocaproate, and 100 mg of testosterone decanoate. It is illegal in the USA to possess or use Test Sustanon 250 without a prescription from a practicing physician. Doctors often prescribe it for a variety of legitimate medical reasons, including cancer or AIDS, growth failure in children, delayed puberty, low levels of testosterone in men and gender identity disorder in female-to-male patients. Testosterone Sustanon 250 Description: Testosterone Sustanon 250 Steroid Powder. Test Sustanon 250 Component: Test propionate, Test phenylpropionate, Test decanoate and Test isocaproate. Test Sustanon 250 Item: Testosterone Propionate, CAS 57-85-2, EINECS 200-351-1 Item: Testosterone Phenylpropionate, CAS 1255-49-8, EINECS 215-014-4 Item: Testosterone Decanoate, CAS 5721-91-5, EINECS 227-226-4 Item: Testosterone Isocaproate, CAS 15262-86-9, EINECS 239-307-1 The min. order is 10 grams. Character: White crystalline powder. Test Sustanon 250 Usage: Pharmaceutical material, Steroid hormone, Anabolin. As a male hormone and anabolic hormones.

Testosterone Sustanon 250 Applications: 250mg per Week At a usage level of 250 mg/week, Sustanon provides basically only a high level of testosterone replacement therapy. Individuals with low testosterone may see a marked improvement, but many with mid-normal or high natural testosterone will see little added effect at this dosage level. Yet, Sustanon is suppressive of the hypothalamus and pituitary at this dosage and will largely shut down natural testosterone production while being used. So, this dosage has relatively little of the benefits of most steroid cycles, but shares the adverse side effect of suppressed testosterone production. 500mg per Week 500 mg/week is a minimal dosage level for most to see good results. At this dosage, gains are typically good for a first cycle and often no ancillary drug is required to control estrogen. But in many instances, estrogen control is already desirable. 750mg per Week The next step up of 750 mg/week provides a noticeable further increase in gains, and if estrogen is controlled, side effects are generally not much different than at 500 mg/week. 1,000mg per Week A dose of 1,000 mg/week is generally sufficient for intermediate to even many advanced users. In some cases, even more than this is used. However, this generally is not necessary unless results have reached a plateau already at the 1 g/week level.


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